Ferro Manganese

Ferro Manganese is produced by reduction of Manganese Oxide in blast furnaces or electric furnaces. Manganese is intentionally present in most grades of steel and is a residual constituent of virtually all others. Ferro Manganese is primarily an alloy of manganese and iron. It contains a high content of manganese and used in steel products wherein silicon content needs to be controlled at low levels.

Grade : HcFeMn/McFeMn/LcFeMn


Ferro Manganese is produced by reduction of Manganese Oxide in blast furnaces or electric furnaces. Manganese is intentionally present in most grades of steel and is a residual constituent of virtually all others. Ferro Manganese is primarily an alloy of manganese and iron. It contains a high content of manganese and used in steel products wherein silicon content needs to be controlled at low levels.

Grade : HcFeMn/McFeMn/LcFeMn


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