Silico Manganese

Silicon Manganese is an alloy of manganese, silicon and iron. It is a cost- effective blend of manganese and silicon and is normally the product of choice for steel manufacturers. Ferro Silico Manganese can be used as a substitute for Ferro Silicon and Ferro Manganese when added to make different types of steel. Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is an iron alloy with a wide range of uses and a large output.

Grades : SiMn 60/14, 65/15, 65/16, 65/17


Silicon Manganese is an alloy of manganese, silicon and iron. It is a cost- effective blend of manganese and silicon and is normally the product of choice for steel manufacturers. Ferro Silico Manganese can be used as a substitute for Ferro Silicon and Ferro Manganese when added to make different types of steel. Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is an iron alloy with a wide range of uses and a large output.

Grades : SiMn 60/14, 65/15, 65/16, 65/17


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